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Helping today’s gifted artists realize their full potential! 


Pinot & Paint

Let us host your paint party!! Picture this…

Laid back ambiance, soothing music, excellent friends, family, and food!

Digital Art Classes

Art In The Feild

MTC making an impact in the community!

Portfolio Presentations

Have a child getting ready for an audition?

Allow us to help prepare them.

Art Exhibitions

Art Workshops

Coming Soon!


Today’s students.
Tomorrow’s leaders.

building a family.JPG


Throughout the year, we sponsor moneymaking projects that market the artwork of the students. They complete appropriate paintings &
illustrations that we transfer into fundraising projects such as greeting cards and calendars, with a focus on teaching the students that commitment and hard work will produce a profit. Through these projects, they become young businessmen, earning a wage for their work. They learn what it means to set and reach their goals financially. MTC works together with the parents to instill a sense of accomplishment in our young, future leaders. We work together to help the students realize the fullness of good stewardship.